Growing Little Prayer Warriors – Ps Bree Krigsman
…We try to model to our daughters that prayer time can happen any time anywhere. For example, Abi and I will pray for our upcoming day, for each other and the rest of our family in the car during the drive to childcare…
read moreGrowing Little Prayer Warriors – Roma Waterman
…So much of our lives are spent imagining things. But most of the time we are imagining things that can go wrong, a fear that may never happen, a tragedy that most likely will never occur. Imagination is not wrong – but we use it often to imagine the wrong things and our kids can too…
read moreGrowing Little Prayer Warriors – Mikey Juler
…! Four boys under 8 years old means life in our house is loud, messy, disjointed, crazy, sometimes smelly, and often unpredictable. When it comes to prayer and devotion we’ve learned over the journey to “embrace the mess”…
read moreGrowing Little Prayer Warriors – Ps Olivia Staggers
…Another thing that worked well for us was on the drive or walk to school, we would recite scripture together, in a ‘repeat after me’ style. We would say things like: “I’m a child of God, I’ve been born-again, I’ve been baptised in the Holy Spirit. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind…
read moreGrowing Little Prayer Warriors – Ps Bree Krigsman
…When our daughters were babies, we would pray over them before they went to sleep and when they were distressed. As they have become older, we continued to do these things but have included them during some of our prayer routines such as praying before meal times and bedtime…
read moreGrowing Little Prayer Warriors – Ps Dave Hickman
… I was stuck in comparison mode. I was comparing my devotional life in one season of life (pre kids) to my current season (post kids). I realise that life is constantly changing and as a result my devotional life will change as well. I just needed to find where and when I would spend time with God…
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