Neuma Church – Seth Dahl – 10 Days and Prayer and Fasting
Ps Seth Dahl shares his thoughts on how parents can engage in Neuma Church’s 10 Days of Prayer and Fasting with their... read moreSupporting your Kids as they leap to Neuma Youth (Letter from your LG Leader) – Chelsea Turner
Chelsea Turner Melbourne City Youth Leader Dear Yr 6 Students, I remember when it was my first time attending a Youth night back when I was in grade 6…. I was terrified. If you know me now maybe you don’t believe this but yes, I was so scared. I remember walking into... read moreSupporting your Kids as they leap to Neuma Youth (Sunday Service) – Ps Thomas McDonald
Thomas McDonald Youth Pastor Melbourne City Transitioning from Neuma Kids to Neuma Youth has many facets attached to it. We’ve touched on transitional seasons in general and what Neuma Youth looks like. Another is how Sundays will look different for everyone now. ... read moreSupporting your Kids as they leap to Neuma Youth (Transition) – Ps Thomas McDonald
Thomas McDonald Youth Pastor Melbourne City The transition into Neuma Youth has well and truly begun, not just for your child but also for yourselves. As parents, there are ways that you can help them process and ease into youth ministry that go beyond simply dropping... read moreSupporting your kids as they leap to Neuma Youth – Ps Thomas McDonald
Thomas McDonald Youth Pastor Melbourne City A few years ago, with a bit of time on my hands, I started to get into running longer distances. I signed up to a half marathon and got stuck into training. I grew up doing track and field so knew what the importance of... read moreGrowing Little Prayer Warriors – Ps Erin Planner
…When it comes to the “listening” component of prayer, when training our children to “hear the voice of the Holy Spirit” sometimes we find they stumble on the whole idea of “hearing” as children can often think that God is not talking to them as they are not audibly hearing someone speak, but when we explain that we have “redeemed imaginations” 1 Corinthians 2:16 and that Holy Spirit can communicate with us by “showing us pictures in our imagination”, we often see a lightbulb turn on when the realise they have been “hearing” from God!…
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