Primary aged children are welcomed into a vibrant and fun environment where Neuma Kids partners in their discipleship journey. Faith, Family and Fun are our values at Neuma Kids and each of these are focuses within the Kids service. Worship, Preaching and Life Groups are all key elements of the Primary Service. Children will have an opportunity to hear a sermon and then discuss it in small, age-based groups. Activity sheets, that reflect the week’s teaching are also given out each week.
The discipleship goals for the primary room is that in each service:
Kids engage with their bible
Kids engage in prayer
Kids know how to apply the Big Idea to their lives
Values at Neuma Kids
Alongside the Neuma Church Kingdom culture values, Neuma Kids establishing a healthy cultural alignment within the Children’s Ministry by focusing on;

Neuma Kids Curriculum (Primary Age)
The Neuma Kids Primary curriculum is created to align with the culture, mission and vision of Neuma Church. Topic series are modular (usually 3-4 weeks long) and designed to provide flexibility for Locations to disciple kids in alignment with local priorities.
Locations are empowered and encouraged to prayerfully consider what it is that God wants to say to the kids in any given season.
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