Chelsea Turner
Melbourne City Youth Leader

Dear Yr 6 Students,
I remember when it was my first time attending a Youth night back when I was in grade 6…. I was terrified. If you know me now maybe you don’t believe this but yes, I was so scared. I remember walking into Youth late because I wouldn’t leave the car and was debating with my mum about whether or not I should go in. Once I walked in, I sat down with some other girls, and I was even more terrified. At this point I was the girl texting my mum saying, “turn back, I don’t want to be here… come pick me up please.”
Being a youth leader today and looking back now, I can honestly say that being in Youth ministry has definitely been some of the best years ever. Some of my best memories have been at Youth camps, Friday nights and sitting in church on a Sunday with my leaders.
These were the years that I gave my life to Jesus for the first time. Where I experienced Gods overwhelming love for myself. These are the years that I made lifelong friends. Where I was discipled, found my identity, and realised my calling. These were the years that I was able to experience opportunities to minister and say yes to the Holy Spirit. These were the years that I got to have fun and play games with my friends. These were the years that every week I would just be ‘hanging in’ for Friday because that meant I had youth that night. These were the years where I got to invite my friends to youth and see them say yes to Jesus. Where I cried out to God, saw visions and dreams of the future. These were the years that God spoke to me profoundly and anointed me for His work.
I want to encourage you all, I have been where you are. If you are SO excited to come into Youth or not at all, you are welcome.
As your Life Group leader, I want to see you grow and flourish into the person Jesus wants you to be. My dream above all is that you will encounter Jesus. I pray that for you, Neuma Youth will be a space of joy and freedom. That you would be able to be yourself and have open hearts and I pray that God would speak to you like never before.
I cannot wait to see you next Friday night.