Learning Outcomes A 4-week series where kids will learn how to live their life in Christ by honouring God, obeying His commands, persevering in tough times, and having an eternal mindset. Key Word You received Christ Jesus as Lord. So keep on living your lives in him....
Learning Outcomes A 4-week series where kids will learn about God’s unchangeable aspects, Omni-attributes, and holiness, while also learning how to reconcile God’s seemingly contradictory characteristics such as love and wrath. Key Word Lord God who rules...
Learning Outcomes A 4-week series where kids will discover how the Kingdom of God is counter-cultural to the values and systems of the world as they explore the ideas of giving to get, the big things in the small, keeping their eyes on God and loving like Christ. Key...
Learning Outcomes A 4-week series where kids will learn about Jesus’ Second Coming, judgement for all people, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. Key Word This good news of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world. It will be a witness to...
Learning Outcomes A 4-week series where kids will learn how to share Jesus confidently. Key Word Go into all the world. Preach the good news to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptised will be saved. – Mark 16:15-16a (NIRV) Part 1 Key Point: Prayer helps us...