Rachel Beattie

Rachel Beattie

Neuma Kids Leader and Mum of 5

I think the biggest shock to our system is the moment we become a parent!

Things that came easy now present as a real challenge! Having a devotional life sometimes feels like an impossibility when you’re a parent and on some days the reality is, it is.
Firstly, we can have grace for ourselves because God does!  We have to know that God knows our season. I also want to encourage you that you’re not a failure if you haven’t opened the word several weeks in a row. Yep I’ve been there and done that. We need to remember that God loves us unconditionally and He has grace for us when this happens we just can’t camp there!

Here are some things I’d love to share with you that have helped me and my family press into prayer in a very full family life with 5 kids!

Dedicated time in the word has been a challenge so audio Bible and audio books have been my best friend. I listen to podcasts while I’m folding washing at night.

I love to put worship on when I take a shower so that no-one disturbs me and I can worship, pray in tongues and speak to God without interruptions (when I lock the door that is!). It’s not a long time but it’s time alone with God!

Sometimes I drop the kids at school and I choose to go for a longer walk and pray out loud or pray in tongues as I feel lead to.

The biggest change is seeing prayer as an ongoing daily conversation with our Father.  This has radically changed my intimacy and relationship with God.  When I think of things, I just pray it out loud straight away.

Whether I’m in the car with my kids, or having a date with the hubby, driving alone or cooking.

When someone is sick, we pray straight away, no time like the present (that and I may forget later)!

I have prayer requests or Bible verses written on the bathroom mirror and on back of the toilet door so it helps the family pray and focus on God.

Life with kids is full and can be really easy to become distracted but our relationship with God is even more important as parents!

We parent better when we’re on fire for Him.

I’ve tried to put lots of little things in place so that I’m giving it focussed time and effort in little moments throughout the day, rather than waiting on the one big “perfect silent moment”!