Kelly Fell

Kelly Fell

Worship team and Mum to baby Harmony

But I Haven’t Got the Time…? I have often found myself repeating this phrase to myself throughout the day. As a current stay at home parent, it seems like your time and attention is always needed somewhere else. Cleaning, cooking…washing up from the cooking, washing…folding and putting away the washing- the list goes on. But currently, it seems my attention is taken up by my beautiful 7-month old daughter. And let me tell you, being a playschool presenter to an audience who can’t sit still can be tiring. So amongst it all, when do I have the time to sit in a chair for an hour, uninterrupted, with my bible and notebook and worship music, and spend time with my Abba father? Truthfully…I don’t.

There are so many opportunities within your day to invite our Heavenly Father into what is happening. We know that He is always with us, but there is real power in acknowledging that He is there; listening, guiding and participating in the raising of your children. I love Proverbs 22:6 (TPT) Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life. As a parent, I am hoping that my daily habits will become a lifetime of dedication for future generations.

In our house, my husband begins the day reading the bible aloud to our daughter before he heads off to work- and boy, does she love to grab a hold of the word of God! The two of us listen to a guided prayer podcast, (shout-out to Guided Prayers with Stacey Hilliar) and try to begin our day with the most important thing in focus; that we are enough and loved by our Father before we do anything. This can be during breakfast or quiet time on the mat after I have woken up. We can start to teach our children how to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10).

First nap of the day, I always strive to read the bible or a devotional-based book. This is my first opportunity to really focus whole-heartedly on God and thank Him for the night before (regardless of the amount of sleep I’ve had), the morning and the day ahead (I often re-listen to the morning’s guided prayer!).

When I’m going for a walk, I try to listen to something that is going to fuel my soul for the rest of the day. Whether it be a podcast or some worship music, it’s so important to remind myself that I am not pushing that pram alone. I sometimes even pray as I walk. I like to thank Him for His creation as I marvel at the flowers, trees and the little one inside the pram too!

The last thing of the day we try to do as a family is to have worship music playing in the house. We love to have praise and worship while she sits in her high chair and watches us cook, or even during bath time!

I’m going to end this with some honesty: do I remember to include God in my comings and goings every day? No, I’m not perfect. But God continues to work in my heart and reveal to me His faithfulness and examples of His character when I do. And it’s in those moments, that I am reminded of how deep, long and wide His love truly is for me and my family.