Ps Bree Krigsman
Neuma Hobart - Location Pastor

Developing our children’s relationship with God has been a priority for us and this has looked different and evolved at different stages of both of our daughter’s development. Our aim is to instil a confidence that we love them, but the love my husband and I share for them is a blue print of the deep love their heavenly Father has for them.
When our daughters were babies, we would pray over them before they went to sleep and when they were distressed. As they have become older, we continued to do these things but have included them during some of our prayer routines such as praying before meal times and bedtime.
As our eldest, Abi has developed the ability to talk confidently, we have encouraged her to say her own prayers. Although initially, this has at times been a little painful waiting for her to deliver a very long and drawn-out prayer before a meal time on occasions haha! It’s been incredibly rewarding to see Abi’s prayer life expanding and maturing as she connects with God.