Ps Olivia Staggers
Neuma Perth – Location Pastor

My daily appointment with Jesus has looked many different ways over the years I’ve walked with Jesus. I came to Christ when I was 8 years old, I’m now in my mid-40’s. I honestly feel like I’m more desperate for Jesus now than I’ve ever been in my life! The higher the stakes, the greater the motivation, right?
I’m a wife to Jason, we have 6 children and we’re the location pastors of Neuma Church here in Perth – I think you would agree I’m in need of a whole lot of wisdom and grace. James tells us ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble’. If I think I can do anything in my own strength, then I’m deceived.
I don’t ever want to give my children advice or to pastor people just out of my own experience, but I want to hear the voice of God.
In the morning I get up before my kids and I go to a particular spot – I have a desk with my computer and bible and journal. I have to meet with Jesus at the start of my day, otherwise I just feel out of sorts. I see it kind of like a tithe. I want to give God the first part of my day, because I have no idea what any given day might hold, and I need to know I’m grounded in the word before I go about my day.
An example of this is something that happened to my son in July of 2020. I read Psalm 20:7 that morning – ‘Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.’
I felt like I was supposed to write down all the names of God that I could think of – healer, saviour, restorer, deliverer, king of kings, lord of lords, alpha and omega, prince of peace, etc. Then I prayed through that list.
Later that evening I found myself in emergency with our eldest son Nathan (17) with a suspected appendicitis. We were up the whole night waiting for a conclusive diagnosis. The next day they weren’t sure but said they wanted to operate; I had a choice to make.
When they wheeled him down to the operating theatre and I couldn’t go with him, I had a choice to make. Where was I going to put my trust? In that moment, all the names I had written the day before came back to my mind and as I meditated on those, the peace of God came.
We don’t read our Bible for God to love us more. We read the bible for US – to know more about God, our heavenly Father. The more I spend time with him, the easier it is to hear his voice and discern it over the voice of the enemy or even our own thoughts.
Now if that’s not motivation to read our bibles and spend time with Jesus, I don’t know what is?