21 Days of Prayer – Day 6

Jul 4, 2020 | 21 Days of Prayer |

Proverbs 18:15

Those whose hearts understand what is right get knowledge.
    That’s because the ears of those who are wise listen for it.

Keeping an Open Mind
In order to acquire knowledge, we must be open to new ideas. If people weren’t open to new ideas, consider the following repercussions:
All movies would still be in black and white. We would still be writing
letters instead of texting. Computers would still be refrigerator sized.

Thankfully, many who have gone before us have been open to new
ideas. In Proverbs 18, King Solomon tells us that being open to new
ideas is also important in our spiritual lives.

This can be a challenge sometimes. It’s easier for us to stay in our
comfort zones, to hang out with people who act, think and believe like
we do. New ideas can be disruptive and uncomfortable. They
challenge us to look at the world, other people and ourselves in ways
we may not want to. But new ideas also stretch us and help us grow.
That’s why wise believers are open to new ideas. If you want to be
wise, surround yourself with God-honoring people who challenge you.
Push yourself to read different kinds of books than you would normally
choose. Ask God to open your eyes to new ways of thinking that give
you more insight into his truth.

  • Describe a time when you changed your mind about something.
    What made you change your mind?
  • When something is new to you, how do you decide whether it’s
    right or true?

Dear God, thank you for creating us with the ability to learn new
things. Protect us as we explore new ideas and help us recognize your
truth when we find it. Amen.

Daily Adventure

Let’s get physical and spiritual! Do a fun activity outside and invite God to join you! It could be swinging on a swing, kicking a footy, running around in the park, whatever is fun for you! What do you think God was feeling when you were enjoying yourself?

Show us your Adventure!