21 Days of Prayer – Day 4

Jul 2, 2020 | 21 Days of Prayer |

1 Chronicles 29:9

The people were happy when they saw what their leaders had been willing to give. The leaders had given freely. With their whole heart they had given everything to the Lord. King David was filled with joy.

One Purpose
If you ask someone, “What were you put on this earth to do?” chances
are you’ll find out what that person likes to do: “I was put on this earth
to play soccer.” Or you might find out what that person feels responsible to do: “I was put on this earth to take care of my family.” But neither answer is correct. As human beings, we were created for one
purpose: to give glory to God.

That means worship —and that’s what God wants from us more than
anything. The Israelites discovered how important worship is to God.
When King David announced that he was building a temple where the
people could worship God, the Israelites leapt at the chance to be a
part of it. They gave the best of everything they had to use in the
construction. They devoted themselves to worship. As a result, God
blessed their nation with peace, wealth and respect among the other
nations of the world.

God is pleased by our worship and blesses us. Receiving his blessing
gives us cause to worship him more, which gives him reason to bless
us more. It’s a beautiful cycle!

  • Why does God want your worship?
  • How can we become a more worshipful family?

Dear God, we worship you for your love and goodness. Thank you for
taking care of your people in the past, for taking care of us today and
for taking care of us in the future. Amen.

Daily Adventure

Imagine different ways you could use your body to worship God. Think of things that you’re good at and others you’re not the best at then write or draw creative ways to use these skills to glorify God and help others. Example: “I’m not the best singer but I will still sing for God.”

Show us your Adventure!